Dear fellow Nomads,
As you are aware our AGM is taking place at Kustom Café on the 26th of November and this is your opportunity to participate in your club’s operation or just voice your opinions.
Besides the general report backs and general Q & A’s, the major event of the evening is obviously the election of office bearers. This is also where the backbone of the club is strengthened and the path forward is chosen. At this gathering you have the opportunity to have your say and to actively participate in the decision making that will see the club going in the direction where you yourself would prefer to see it heading and ultimately for the better of the club’s future.
Without a doubt the most difficult, time consuming, yet most important part of any club, is the running thereof and this task falls heavily on the shoulders of our fellow members who display their commitment to their club and their passion for their sport, by unselfishly volunteering to serve on the committee.
Currently the committee is made up as follows:-
Executive Committee
Vice-Chairman Vacant due to resignation of Wynand Wiering
Safety Officer Colin Green – assisted by Werner van Rooyen
Records Officer
Competitions Officer Tyron Gruar assisted by Colin Green
PRO & Newsletter
Interclubs Convenor Alex Lockyer
Socials & Fundraising
In accordance with the constitution the committee is to be chosen by means of voting at the AGM. In the past we have agreed at the AGM to elect only the Chairman and Vice-Chairman into office and then to elect further office bearers at the AGM but only to be placed into their respective offices soonest thereafter or only at the first committee meeting, by mutual consent. I am happy for this procedure to continue at the 2015 AGM, however should anyone object, kindly do so before the 19th of November.
While Nomads is still strong, especially when compared to some of our sister clubs, we are most certainly feeling the strains of a cash intensive and time consuming sport given the dire current financial times in SA. If we are to stay strong, WE HAVE TO ADAPT, and the for this to happen we need more direct assistance and personal involvement from you, the members, especially from the younger members, to fill the seats of the committee with NEW BLOOD. The committee is doing a great job but they can do with some committed help. They need people who can attend the meetings, complete their portfolio, and bring in FRESH ideas and all this purely for the love of the sport because the rewards are self-satisfaction in knowing that the members satisfaction and enjoyment, is partly as a result of your own unselfish efforts and commitment.
At this stage the people listed above are prepared to stand again. The portfolios that need the most attention here is that of Chairman and Vice-Chairman. I was only going to stand in for two years and I am ready to step down now but will do one more year if absolutely necessary. This then makes YOUR choice of Vice-Chairman at this years’ AGM even more important, as that person would then under normal circumstances take over as Chairman.
At this stage Mark Cockcroft has unselfishly made himself available to stand as Vice-Chairman and we ask that more members advise us if they are prepared to stand for election. Please.
So we need to hear your voices at the AGM and I sincerely appeal to new members, veteran members, honourary members, honourary life members and of course the backbone of the club, those members that always support our events and competitions, to come along without hesitation to support your committee and be part of your club.
I remind you that the AGM will be held at the popular Kustom’s Café where we held our quarterly’s and which is easily accessible off the highway, so the venue is ideal to bring along your spouse or partner AND we have hired a DJ to entertain us with some background or lively music. There is also sufficient time for our Northern residing brethren such as Wynand, Friedel, Mike, Mitch, Dave, Peter etc, to pool resources and arrange some designated drivers!
Let’s keep the Spirit Of Nomads going!
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact any of the committee members including myself or your secretary Bianca, and if not before, I will see you at the AGM.
PLEASE RSVP – to Bianca –
Yours in Angling
Dave Martin