Author Archives: admin
NomadsTide for July 2018
2018 Nomads Survey
Request from the Chairman Mark Cockcroft
Email sent to members on Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2018, 11:58
We had a good turnout of boats at the Rosebowl, but in contrast we had a poor showing at the Nomads Closed in Mapelane. Attached is a spreadsheet with 2 questionnaires. One for the skippers to rate the possible venues to hold a Closed, and the other for all members to express your feeling on where you would like us to hold the Closed. Please fill these in and return to the Nomads email address ( and the committee will take it from there.
Download the spreadsheet, complete it and send it to
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2018 Billfish Nationals (Light & Heavy Tackle)
The invite for the Light Tackle and Heavy Tackle Nationals for November 2018.
Please note that all anglers intending to nominate must do so through their club. No nominations are to be sent to the provincial body without going through the club.
Anglers interested in nominating are to please submit their nominations to the club by latest:-
25th July 2018
Invite to the 2018_Nationals_Heavy_Tackle_Billfish and 2018_Nationals_Light_Tackle_Billfish