When: 20 May 2017 from 11h00
Where: Colltin Place, 37 Lakefield Avenue, Benoni
Dear Nomads
First off I would like to thank all the members that attended Rose Bowl 2017 together with our families and members back home for your tireless interest and support. Unfortunately, a few big fish were lost that could have turned the leader board on its head. Nonetheless, we remained competitive to the end and at least came home with a podium finish.
Well done to East Rand for their long-awaited Rose Bowl win and well done to Makeira for their second place but more so congratulations on a well organised event. It was a well-run competition, there were no quibbles about rulings and all the Nomads members were IGFA compliant.
It was wonderful to see a number of older members returning to participate and we hope to see this trend continue with our other inactive members particularly in the year to come. The comradery between the Nomads members was heart-warming as were the friendships between the clubs.
The remainder of this year and next year is going to be a very busy time for Nomads. 2018 is the 50th Anniversary of the club and we plan to celebrate in style.
1. As you are aware, or should be aware, we are arranging a fishing competition in Kenya towards the end of next year. Our previous trip around 2010 had seventeen participants and about 70 sailfish plus a number of game fish were caught in 4 days. There are some terrific prizes in competitions leading up to this trip including flights to Kenya. But you have to have a ticket to stand a chance. So, enter the Closed as a starting point.
2. In light of our 50th Anniversary, TSC has kindly agreed to swop the hosting of Rose Bowl 2018 with us. Nomads will host the 2018 event and TSC will host in 2019.
3. Our next major competition is the Nomads Closed to be held at Mapelane. This is an awesome venue and is a well-attended event. The fishing is good, the socials are better, and the entry fee is reasonable and includes accommodation, dinner and happy hour. This year and next year the prizes for the Closed will be spectacular. The competition dates are 25 to 30 June 2017. Diarise it now.
4. Leading up to this we will still have our regular prize givings, funds raisers and quarterlies. The wheels are already in motion for a major fund raiser which will be a fly fishing competition within 40 min drive of Jhb – most likely in the Cradle of Human Kind.
As you can imagine it will require a huge effort to make the arrangements, secure sponsors, prizes and generate interest for these events and this cannot be left to an 8 man committee. We need all the members to participate in the organisation. One of the defining comments at the last Rose Bowl came from the chairman of the host club, when he thanked his committee and club for their efforts he said something to the following effect:
“Makaira has approximately 45 members and every single one put up their hand and helped organise the event. In addition of the 45 members 38 participated in the competition”
Nomads has a proud history in the zone and for 50 years has always been the team to beat. We have always risen to the occasion to improve on, and do better than the year before, in every aspect of our sport. Traditionally we have succeeded and as a result we have always held our heads up high. It’s time for Nomads to step up to the plate again.
We need all hands on deck.
To uphold this tradition, I therefore appeal to all of you, to do that little bit extra for the club leading in to our celebration year. The committee will need assistance, prizes, sponsors so I urge you to “ask what you can do for your club”. In particular, I would like to appeal to the inactive members to make a come-back, start fishing again or send your children to learn how to fish. Juniors in the zone are very strong at the moment and Nomads could benefit from more junior participation.
We recently approved about 12 new members and there are others waiting in the wings. Many of them joined to learn about the sport and you the older experienced members are valued sources of information. Your time and commitment would be appreciated.
However even if you cannot commit for whatever reason, but are able to contribute prizes or sponsorships please let us know soonest. We would like to give our sponsors the best mileage possible which would include exposure at the fund raiser, both Nomads Closed competitions and Rose Bowl 2018 so the earlier you get involved the better.
Folks the work starts now so that our fishing experiences can be more pleasurable.
Let’s go fishing.
Kind regards
“My fellow Nomads, ask not what your club can do for you, ask what you can do for your club.” – John F. Kennedy stole it from his headmaster, I am stealing it from him.
To all Nomads members
Please see the below call for nominations. If you qualify, please get your nominations to the secretary of Nomads before 28 March so we can get them to Lynette Adams by 1st April 2017.
Kind regards
Mark Cockcroft
2017 Bottom Fish Nationals
Nominations are hereby called for:
all to represent SADSAA at the 2017 Bottom Fish Nationals to be held at Durban Ski Boat Club between the 4th August and 10thAugust 2017.
This will be a 10kg tournament and will be fished on a full release basis on the assumption that the international FIPS-M representative will be in attendance. In the event of him not attending the tournament will be fished on normal SADSAA rules.
The entrance fee is R8,500 per team and includes evening suppers, but excludes boat fuel and accommodation
58thannual Hawaiian International billfish tournament in Kona, Hawaii
Nominations are hereby called for:
to represent South Africa ( Protea colours) to participate in the 58thannual Hawaiian International billfish tournament to be held between the 9th and 17th September 2017 in Kona, Hawaii.
This is 24/37kg tournament and is fished for billfish only.
We have not received the full detail of the tournament to date but we estimate that the entry fee will be approximately US$3,000 per angler which excludes accommodation and airfares.
FIPs-M World big game trolling championship 2017 to be held at the Algarve, Portugal
Nominations are hereby called for:
to represent South Africa (Protea colours) at the FIPs-M World big game trolling championship 2017 to be held at the Algarve, Portugal between 16th and 23rd September 2017.
Whilst the line class is not specified at the moment it is expected to be 24kg or possibly 37kg and the target species are billfish and game fish.
The full detail of the tournament can be viewed by going to the FIPs-M website, page down to tournaments, page down to big Game championships.
The entry fee is Euro 5,000 per team, which excludes accommodation and airfares.
64th San Juan international billfish tournament to be held in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Nominations are hereby called for:
to represent South Africa (Protea colours) at the 64th San Juan international billfish tournament to be held in San Juan Puerto Rico between 25th September and 1st October 2017.
This is a 24/37kg tournament and is fished for billfish only.
We have not received the full detail of the tournament to date but we estimate that the entry fee will be approximately US$2,500 per angler which excludes accommodation and airfares.
Nominations must be received by the convenor of selectors Mr Barry Turk by not later than 8th April 2017.
R A Pratt
SADSAA Tournaments Officer.
Back to Basics development
Date: 18th March 2017
Time: 10h00
Venue: 8 Allen Road Bedfordview, Entrance on Florence Avenue”
This is an invitation to all our members to attend a back to basics development course where we will be demonstrating basic knots and compliance with IGFA rules in respect of leaders etc.
Boerie rolls , cool drinks and beer will be available.
The development will suit new members, those members who have forgotten how to tie knots, those members who don’t know how to tie knots, those members who have forgotten their IGFA rules and those members who just want to eat Boerie rolls and drink beer. All are welcome.
Please contact Kevin Allardyce to confirm numbers kevin@allardyce.co.za