Author Archives: admin

2017 SGDSAA awards evening

Dear Nomads

You have already been made aware that the Bi-Annual SGDSAA awards dinner will take place on 28 January 2017. We have had some questions about who this is for.

In short this dinner is open to all our members and we encourage you all to come along and support our members who have achieved accolades higher than club level. However it is “compulsory” for all members of Nomads that have received provincial, SADSAA or Protea caps in the past two years. (This awards dinner is only held every two years) in particular it is “compulsory” for all our members that have placed in the medals, caught recognised records [Wade Martin, Clive Kerns] or caught bill fish during the past 2 years. All billfish qualify whether caught socially or in competitions.

To this end we urgently require the details of your catch: Angler’s name, date of catch, species of fish, where caught, line class. [Michael Gruar !!] and if it was caught in a comp, name of comp. Please send these details to the Nomads email address, copied to Johan Mare <> records officer. Johan will collate and forward the details to Lynn Adams for printing of certificates. –

If you are planning to attend please respond with your name, payment and club name to Lyn Adams <>

We look forward to seeing you there.

Yours in Angling



2017 Nomads Committee

Dear Members and Friends of Nomads

As we move into the 2017 chapter of deep sea fishing, we would like to start with a massive thank you to the outgoing chairman, mentor, friend and angler extraordinaire – Dave Martin. Dave has been at the helm of Nomads for the past three years and has done a sterling job for the club, club spirit and angling development.

Thank you Dave.

Dave will not be withdrawing from the committee completely, his valued involvement will continue through a new position created in line with most sporting codes and clubs. Dave has agreed to fill the post of Club Captain for 2017.

At the recent AGM, we also said goodbye to the services of Bianca Juchau as secretary. Bianca has been an absolute rock for the club and her service to the club as a non-fishing volunteer has been nothing short of exemplary. The good news however is that Bianca will not be leaving the committee and has agreed to continue in a less demanding portfolio.

Thank you again Bianca, and at the same time welcome back.

We would like to welcome Craig Shorter onto the committee. Craig as most of you know is responsible for the club’s headline sponsor, Hollards Insurance. In addition to this role Craig will be taking over the Treasure’s position from Colin who moves to the Vice Chairman role.

Another big thank you, again to Craig, who has volunteered the services Jackie Janse van Vuuren as an able replacement for the secretarial post. We welcome Jackie to the committee and trust that you will enjoy the camaraderie that is Nomads Game Fishing. With Bianca’s assistance we hope to have the hand over complete by the end of the year to maintain the continuity of correspondence in particular.

Your Nomads committee and portfolios for 2017 is as follows:

Mark Cockcroft – Chairman

Colin Green – Vice Chairman and Safety Officer

Jackie Janse van Vuuren – Secretary

Craig Shorter – Treasurer

Werner van Rooyen – Assistant safety officer, Interclub co-ordinator, clothing.

Kevin Allardyce – Development

Tyron Gruar – Competitions Office

Johan Mare – Club house, trophies and records

Bianca Juchau – Fund raising and social events

Sean Cockcroft – Social media, news letter, PRO

Dave Martin – Club Captain

Ian van Zyl – Website

The committee will meet on the second Tuesday of each month.

Rosebowl:  we have only registered two boats for the Rosebowl. Watermark and Shaya lo Manzi have submitted entries. However a number of boats have booked accommodation at Shaya Moya so we know you are committed. Please guys we need to submit entries to Makeira urgently for their planning. Skippers please can I ask you to make this a priority.

Finally: For those travelling over the holidays, please travel safely and return to us in one piece. On behalf of the new committee I wishing you and your families a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and if you are going fishing (as we do) tight lines and share the photos on the chat group.

Yours in angling


2017 Boat Testing Day

The Nomads Boat Seaworthy testing for 2017 year will take place on the 12th November 2016 at Rynfield Dam starting at 08h00 and ending at 13h00.

Please note that to qualify for a 2017 seaworthy you must have the following:

  1. A VHF radio on your boat in working order, either an old one without a red button or a new one with a red button.
  2. A certificate to operate a VHF radio.
  3. Either the old one dating back to 2012, issued through Stan Walters.
  4. Or a new one as per the latest course as done either by Dale or Tig.
  5. If you have done the new one and do not have a temporary license, a letter from the testing officer will do.
  6. All the usual documents for boat testing.
  7. A valid boat flotation certificate.
  8. There will be a fire extinguisher repair person available on the day.

See you there

Colin Green
Nomads Safety Officer

2017 SADSAA and PROTEA Nominations called for

To all Clubs in SGDSAA

SADSAA are calling for the following nominations:-


  • Junior
  • U19
Bottomfish  TeamApril 2017Port Alfred
PROTEAILLTA BillfishMay 2017Dominican Republic

  • Open
  • U19
  • Masters
Tuna NationalsMay 2017Cape Town

  • Open
  • U19
  • Masters
Gamefish NationalsJune 2017St Lucia, Zululand
PROTEABottomfishEnd July 2017Maloy, Norway

These nominations on the correct Nomination form and the R100 POP direct to SADSAA to be sent to the Provincial Secretary Lyn Adams latest 10TH JANUARY 2017

Lyn suggests anglers interested to get their forms in to her before the end of December 2016

Download the details for nominations

2016 Nomads AGM Notice

Dear Members

As you are aware our AGM is taking place at Kustom Café (REVERE LOUNGE) on the 9th of November at 19h00 and this is your opportunity to participate in your club’s operation or just voice your opinions.

Besides the general report backs and general Q & A’s, the major event of the evening is to select a new committee for 2017.

Currently the committee is made up as follows:-

Executive Committee
Chairman                                       Dave Martin
Vice-Chairman                               Mark Cockcroft
Treasurer                                       Colin Green
Secretary                                       Bianca Juchau
Safety Officer                                 Colin Green – assisted by Werner van Rooyen

Records Officer                              Johan Mare
Development                                  Kevin Allardyce
Competitions Officer                      Tyron Gruar assisted by Colin Green
Clubhouse                                     Johan Mare
PRO & Newsletter                         Tyron Gruar
Interclubs Convenor                      Mark Cockcroft assisted by Johan Mare
Socials & Fundraising                   Bianca Juchau

In accordance with the constitution the committee is to be chosen by means of voting at the AGM.

So we need to hear your voices at the AGM and I sincerely appeal to all members that always support our events and competitions, to come along and support your committee and be part of your club.

I remind you that the AGM will be held at Kustom’s Café (REVERE LOUNGE) where we held our quarterly’s and which is easily accessible off the highway.

Date: 9th November 2016
Time: 19h00
Venue:  Revere Lounge – Corner Herman Pieters Str, 38 North Rand Rd, Johannesburg (Next to Harley Davidson Boksburg)

Let’s keep the Spirit Of Nomads going!

PLEASE RSVP – to Bianca –

Kindest Regards,
Bianca Juchau
Nomads Secretary