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2015 Nomads Closed at Mapelane


ENTRY FEE: R2,300 per angler (Non anglers R1,000)

This includes:

  • 5 – 7 nights accommodation at Mapelane Ski boat Club
  • Dinner, beach lunch and happy hour for the competition days
  • Security Guard for boats on the beach
  • Tractors to launch
  • Read about it


MN 6 of 2015

It is important to read the second notice contained in the attachment.

In a nutshell, to save yourself some trouble and to buy yourself some time, make sure that your 2016 seaworthy ticket/CoF is issued BEFORE 1st January 2016.

Effectively this will mean that you will NOT be required to have a VHF DSC radio fitted for seaworthy purposes, only your current 29Mhz, – until the following 2017 boat inspection, and between now and then who knows what will happen?


The actual Marine Notice

Marine Notice 6 of 2015

2015 Rosebowl Captain’s Report

Thanks to ERSBC as they were the hosts. The venue was very good, the organisation of the tournament was top class with the general atmosphere being very jovial and friendly. The guys put a great competition together and it would be hard and disingenuous to find fault with it. Well done East Rand, you are a great bunch of guys. In particular Frank and Ivan who seemed to carry the brunt of the load. As a venue Durban would be excellent point of departure for developments as the full spectrum of fishing disciplines can be exercised. The quality of the fish that made it to the weigh scale was very good.

The weather allowed us to get onto the ocean for 3.5 days as Monday afternoon and the Tuesday were blowouts.

The Nomads team really stepped up to the plate from the start of the tournament and very good catches were recorded throughout the competition. Mark got a great Wahoo of 20kg. Steve Barbe and Sean both got sailfish and Ballie got a 20kg Cuda on 6kg line. In addition a number of really nice Tuna of 12 to 16 kg were landed by many boats. Nomads won the Rose Bowl trophy and had a number of  our boats were in the top 10 as well. The top anglers for the competition both male and female represented Nomads. Well done to Elmarie and Jorg. It was great to see Wade skipper for the toppies and keep them awake on the boat, well sometimes at least.

A note that has to be made and emphasized, is that without a hint of a doubt Nomads has grown into a superb team with a fantastic team spirit. It takes the hard yards, such as coming 3rd at the last Rose Bowl, financial woes of the past few years, boats being pinched, lack of general support from the members at club functions and many other tribulations that have got us to where we are. We now have a rock solid core from which to build going forward and it is thanks to the committee members their wives and our chairman Dave Martin. Let’s give them the support they deserve.

Tight lines guys and once again it is an absolute pleasure fishing with you. Special mention to Threesome, brilliant fishing and well done.

Mitch Moore

The Nomads’ Chant

The Nomads’ Chant

We’re Nomads we’re Nomads
We live for the sea
Our boats are our home
And our spirits are free

We travel the coastline
In search of our wish
And when we get lucky
We catch that big fish

We’re loyal to Nomads
’cause we are the best
And if you’re not with us

…………….NOMADS !!!!