Category Archives: Announcements

2015 AGM

Dear fellow Nomads,

As you are aware our AGM is taking place at Kustom Café on the 26th of November and this is your opportunity to participate in your club’s operation or just voice your opinions.

Besides the general report backs and general Q & A’s, the major event of the evening is obviously the election of office bearers. This is also where the backbone of the club is strengthened and the path forward is chosen. At this gathering you have the opportunity to have your say and to actively participate in the decision making that will see the club going in the direction where you yourself would prefer to see it heading and ultimately for the better of the club’s future.

Without a doubt the most difficult, time consuming, yet most important part of any club, is the running thereof and this task falls heavily on the shoulders of our fellow members who display their commitment to their club and their passion for their sport, by unselfishly volunteering to serve on the committee.

Currently the committee is made up as follows:- Continue reading

2015 Committee Changes

Dear Nomads members,

Kindly note that Wynand Wiering has stepped down as Vice Chairman and Competitions Officer of Nomads GFC for business reasons. Wynand is still involved with certain aspects of the club’s duties so he is not completely lost to us.

Colin Green has been appointed as Acting Vice Chairman, and Tyron Gruar as Competitions Officer, until the AGM in November where these portfolios will come up for re-election. We as a committee have every confidence in their ability to carry out their duties and we thank them for accepting the extra work load.

They can be contacted at the following numbers:-

Colin Green
Work – 011-914 1751
Cell –  082 459 9685

Tyron Gruar
082 806 4766

On behalf of the members we congratulate both and wish you the best of luck.

Yours Sincerely

Dave Martin

The Nomads’ Chant

The Nomads’ Chant

We’re Nomads we’re Nomads
We live for the sea
Our boats are our home
And our spirits are free

We travel the coastline
In search of our wish
And when we get lucky
We catch that big fish

We’re loyal to Nomads
’cause we are the best
And if you’re not with us

…………….NOMADS !!!!

SADSAA Nomination Process 2015-2016

Dear Nomads members,

As an affiliated SADSAA member you are hereby invited to participate in the nomination process for the 2015/2016 SADSAA office bearers.

In line with the strict guidelines you are herewith given the organisational chart and procedures for your perusal, as well all necessary documentation.

Furthermore, you are hereby given notice of the first meeting to take place on the 11th of March, to coincide with our quarterly meeting at the Nomads Clubhouse, where you will have the opportunity to present your written proposal, together with your nominees duly completed acceptance form.

If there is more than one proposal for a given post then it will go to the vote of club members present. Please scroll down to the last page of the Structures timeline for the list of incumbents.

These results will then be forwarded to SGDSAA.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Dave Martin
Chairman Nomads GFC
082 440 1475