Category Archives: archive

2014 Shelly Beach Interprovincial

To all SGDSAA Clubs

I am calling for nominations for the Shelley Beach Inter Provincial to take place in February 2014 see attached invite.

Anglers wanting to nominate please let me have your nomination forms in by the 10th January 2014.

Download the invite.


Lyn Adams
Southern Gauteng Deep Sea Angling Association
Provincial Secretary
011 425 2052
083 588 0217

2014 Billfish Interprovincial

SGDSAA is calling for nominations for :-

  • Billfish Inter Provincial 2014
  • Richards Bay
  • 14th-17th February 2014
  • 37Kg


Provinces may enter TWO teams and this is a OWN boat competition.


Anglers interested in nominating must please have their nomination forms in with Lynette Adams by no later  than 10th January 2014


Lynette Adams
Southern Gauteng Deep Sea Angling Association
Provincial Secretary
011 4252052

Members and friends get together and plan for 2014

Good Day fellow anglers,

In the mad scramble to complete current business before rushing off to the coast or elsewhere for your well-deserved  holidays, there comes a time when you need to stop for a minute, collect your thoughts…… and take a breather! Preferably with a cold one in the hand?

Well, Wednesday next week is the time for you to force yourself to take that hard earned breather and what a better way to do it than with your friends at Nomads Club, talking about the upcoming holidays and the fish you’re going to catch, your recent fishing expeditions and successes, the new motors that Father Christmas is getting you, or just renew old acquaintances over an ice cold beer after a long day at work?

I realise that time is tight for all of us and that by Wednesday a lot of people would probably have already snuck away, but this is the time to regenerate your passion for angling, to spur yourself into trying new fishing methods and practices and to talk amongst one another!

So I urge each and every available Nomads member, old and new, current and past, to gather for the last time this year and show face at our club, even if it is just a quick in and out for a beer or hello. There will be some interesting discussions taking place should you wish to listen in, with lucky draw prizes and a snack/bite to eat. Being Christmas holidays, please bring along the family if you so wish, sometimes the better half also needs a break and the kids need to run off that excess energy on the lawns!

Full details of what is proposed for the evening will follow shortly and it is our intention to promote the Interclub at Guinjata with a Q & A session with the competition organisers from Guinjata SBC – Brett Padoa and Jan Hoffman. They will also talk about Moz in general, for those who are planning to visit Moz over Christmas!

Nomads members have elected a new committee to lead the way forward and although they are working hard at it, success cannot be achieved without your support and active participation within the club. So please show your support by joining us for a social chat in a relaxed atmosphere. Just what the doctor ordered!

Yours in Angling

Dave Martin (Gaffer Dog)

PS. Our database may not be 100% up to date so I kindly ask that you forward this message to ANY and ALL Nomads members, past, future and current! Members of other clubs are more than welcome as accompanied guests. Thank You.

Tel: +2711 396 1800/1/2
Fax: +2711 396 1810

Resignation Dave Brown

To: Dave Martin

I have tried a few times to contact you telephonically without success.

I have decided that I will now stand down from the Nomads committee. I have sat on the committee for a number of years and I feel that I have served my time.

I wish you and the new committee all success in the future.

Best regards.

Dave Brown
SA Rice Mills
Office: 011-976-4723
Mobile: 082-899-0111

Hi Dave,

For as long as I can remember you have been an active Nomads stalwart. Your dedication and unreserved service to the club and committee cannot be repaid by any means, except by us thanking you for giving up thousands of hours of your own time, for the good of Nomads Gamefish Club and the sport of angling. You have more than “served my time”, and for this we are exceptionally grateful.

On behalf of the committee members, past and present, and on behalf of all the Nomads members, past present and future, I sincerely thank you for your unparalleled service and wish you the best of luck going forward.

I look forward to enjoying a beer with you at our next get together. Until then we wish you and your family a blessed Christmas and a successful year ahead.

Yours Sincerely

Dave Martin
Chairman Nomads Gamefishing Club

2014 VHF course

TO ALL CLUBS   and Skiboat ownersIn 2014 Lynette Adams will be hosting a VHF exam session in February for all interested members.SAMSA have clearly indicated to us that we have until July 2015 to get the licences done on the old system and then after July 2014 people wanting a VHF licence will have to attend a week’s training school.

SAMSA have as of the 1st November increased all fees and now impose a VHF Exam levy per person as well as the application fee. So we are already looking at nothing less than R1,000 per person at this stage and we still need to get an Examiner up from Durban at our expense and accommodate and fee etc.

Lynette urgently needs to know how many of our members in SGDSAA will be wanting to do this last opportunity VHF exam in February 2014. Hopefully we can have a Friday night exam session as well as a Saturday morning and afternoon to accommodate 60 people.

Note that VHF radios are possibly going to be phased in late 2014 and it will be become law to have this licence to operate your Skiboats. Legislation is pending in this regard.

Lynette needs to know who will be interested in doing this course so that she can start setting up dates etc.

All course material will be provided to you as well as a mock up exam.

Please e mail Lynette your name and details to make the booking.


Lynette Adams
Southern Gauteng Deep Sea Angling Association
Provincial Secretary
011 4252052