Category Archives: archive

2014 Rosebowl Questionnaire

2014 Rosebowl Questionnaire from the Nomads Chairman: Dave Martin

Good day fellow Nomads,

As you may all be aware of by now, there have been some changes to the committee following the recent AGM where Leon and Magriet stepped down.

Chairmanship was taken on by myself and hence this communication from me and not Leon.

Please note that the committee portfolios are still to be finalised and therefore this communication should not be seen as an ‘acceptance speech’ by myself and which shall follow in due course, however there is at least one urgent matter that needs to be addressed immediately, and this is Nomads’ participation at the 2014 Rosebowl, hosted by Guinjata SFC and to be held at Guinjata, Mozambique, 16 to 21 March 2014.

I have been approached by some active Nomads members expressing concern for their safety in Mozambique considering the recent upsurge in violence between Frelimo and Renamo.  I have attached an article from today’s news (11 Nov 2013) which I urge you to read in order to have some insight into the problem.

While our primary concern is for the safety of our members, we cannot disregard our obligation to SGDSAA and Guinjata Sportfishing Club for the upcoming Rosebowl challenge, a tournament that we pride ourselves for excelling in. With this in mind the committee needs to make an informed decision based on the Nomads members wishes of whether to raise concerns of safety and to relay these to SGDSAA, should these concerns be affecting proposed participation by Nomads members at the Rosebowl?

I would like to use this opportunity to gather feedback from  ALL MEMBERS by way of a few yes/no answers by as to whether you are willing to fish in Guinjata. Please note that your response herein is NOT a commitment for participation in any way whatsoever, but we need to have some sort of realistic indication. I realise that March is still some time away and that some of you will be going to Guinjata and other Mozambican destinations in December, but these comps are planned well in advance and we owe it to GSFC to raise any concerns sooner rather than later.

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Many Thanks for  your co-operation, and please feel free to add any other non-related issues or concerns that you may wish to express.

Yours Sincerely

Dave Martin
Chairman Nomads GFC
Tel: +27 11 396 1800/1/2

New 2014 Chair and Vice for Nomads

At last night’s Nomads AGM, Dave Martin was elected as the new Chairman of Nomads.

Wynand Wiering was elected as his Vice Chairman.

The rest of the committee will be finalised after the first get together under the new chairman.

Congratulations to the new leadership as well as to the ex-chair Leon Nel and secretary Magriet Nel who stepped down.


Please note that you may have received an email message that in all appearances seems to have been sent from Nomads Gamefishing stating:


Here is an important document that I want you to see.  …. etc”

This email was not sent by NOMADS and appears to be an attempt to get you to provide information which may be used to penetrate your local security.

When reading the email it can be seen that they sender is attempting to obtain your login information which they would then use to access your account.



Nomads email security has not been breached and cannot be held responsible for your own personal internet security.

Nomads DOES NOT and WILL NOT sell or distribute your email address to any company / organisation now or in the future.

You will also notice that Nomads sends its messages out in a “Bcc” so that your email address is protected and not displayed. Where the originators of this bogus email obtained your email address cannot be determined but please rest assured that Nomads will take all necessary precautions to ensure the protection of its members and their email addresses from any entity that attempts to solicit them.


If you have disclosed your personal details by clicking on the link supplied it is strongly suggested that you change your email password immediately.