Late Anton Gets (Ballie)

Our Ballie  passed away peacefully early hours of this morning. Thank you for all your support, beautiful messages and love you have shown. We will update you with details  of Dads service. 

Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts Annie, The Gets’s and all the Grandchildren

Another Royal Slam for Nomads

Dave Martin achieve a Royal Slam

Protea angler Dave Martin achieved his Royal Slam (Billfish) whilst fishing the ILTTA comp out of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Dave becomes the second Nomads member to achieve this feat after Grant Estman.

A Royal Slam (Billfish): Pacific blue, Pacific sail, black marlin, broadbill, striped marlin, spearfish, Atlantic blue marlin, Atlantic sailfish and white marlin.

Congratulations and well done Dave.

SADSAA Nominations for 2019 Heavy and Light Tackle


SGDSAA nominations to be with Lynette Adams ( by 28 May 2019.

Nominations are hereby called for

  • a three person team to represent SADSAA,
  • a three person team to represent SADSAA Masters

at the 2019 Heavy Tackle Billfish Nationals to be held at Sodwana Bay and hosted by the Mpumalanga DSAA. between the 17th and 22nd November 2019.

This is a 37 kg line class tournament.

This is an own boat tournament.

The entry fee is R 5350 per team which includes the opening and closing function, mid-week braai, Meal voucher for a free night etc.

Nominations are hereby called for

  • a three person team to represent SADSAA,
  • a three person team to represent SADSAA Masters
  • a three person team to represent SADSAA under 19s

at the 2019 Light Tackle Billfish Nationals to be held at Sodwana Bay and hosted by the Mpumalanga DSAA. Between the 17th and 22nd November 2019.

This is a 10kg line class tournament.

This is an own boat tournament. The entry fee is R 5350 per team which includes the opening and closing function, mid-week braai, meal voucher for a free night etc.

Nominations must be received by the convener of selectors Mr. Barry Turk by not later than Monday 3rd June 2019

R A Pratt
SADSAA Tournaments Officer.