2017 Boat Testing Day

The Nomads Boat Seaworthy testing for 2017 year will take place on the 12th November 2016 at Rynfield Dam starting at 08h00 and ending at 13h00.

Please note that to qualify for a 2017 seaworthy you must have the following:

  1. A VHF radio on your boat in working order, either an old one without a red button or a new one with a red button.
  2. A certificate to operate a VHF radio.
  3. Either the old one dating back to 2012, issued through Stan Walters.
  4. Or a new one as per the latest course as done either by Dale or Tig.
  5. If you have done the new one and do not have a temporary license, a letter from the testing officer will do.
  6. All the usual documents for boat testing.
  7. A valid boat flotation certificate.
  8. There will be a fire extinguisher repair person available on the day.

See you there

Colin Green
Nomads Safety Officer

2017 SADSAA and PROTEA Nominations called for

To all Clubs in SGDSAA

SADSAA are calling for the following nominations:-


  • Junior
  • U19
Bottomfish  TeamApril 2017Port Alfred
PROTEAILLTA BillfishMay 2017Dominican Republic

  • Open
  • U19
  • Masters
Tuna NationalsMay 2017Cape Town

  • Open
  • U19
  • Masters
Gamefish NationalsJune 2017St Lucia, Zululand
PROTEABottomfishEnd July 2017Maloy, Norway

These nominations on the correct Nomination form and the R100 POP direct to SADSAA to be sent to the Provincial Secretary Lyn Adams latest 10TH JANUARY 2017

Lyn suggests anglers interested to get their forms in to her before the end of December 2016

Download the details for nominations

2016 Nomads AGM Notice

Dear Members

As you are aware our AGM is taking place at Kustom Café (REVERE LOUNGE) on the 9th of November at 19h00 and this is your opportunity to participate in your club’s operation or just voice your opinions.

Besides the general report backs and general Q & A’s, the major event of the evening is to select a new committee for 2017.

Currently the committee is made up as follows:-

Executive Committee
Chairman                                       Dave Martin
Vice-Chairman                               Mark Cockcroft
Treasurer                                       Colin Green
Secretary                                       Bianca Juchau
Safety Officer                                 Colin Green – assisted by Werner van Rooyen

Records Officer                              Johan Mare
Development                                  Kevin Allardyce
Competitions Officer                      Tyron Gruar assisted by Colin Green
Clubhouse                                     Johan Mare
PRO & Newsletter                         Tyron Gruar
Interclubs Convenor                      Mark Cockcroft assisted by Johan Mare
Socials & Fundraising                   Bianca Juchau

In accordance with the constitution the committee is to be chosen by means of voting at the AGM.

So we need to hear your voices at the AGM and I sincerely appeal to all members that always support our events and competitions, to come along and support your committee and be part of your club.

I remind you that the AGM will be held at Kustom’s Café (REVERE LOUNGE) where we held our quarterly’s and which is easily accessible off the highway.

Date: 9th November 2016
Time: 19h00
Venue:  Revere Lounge – Corner Herman Pieters Str, 38 North Rand Rd, Johannesburg (Next to Harley Davidson Boksburg)

Let’s keep the Spirit Of Nomads going!

PLEASE RSVP – to Bianca – nomadsfishing@gmail.com

Kindest Regards,
Bianca Juchau
Nomads Secretary

2016 Back to Basics Development

Dear Members.

A back to basics development course has been arranged for all those interested.

Date:  27th August 2016
Time: 13h00pm
Venue: 1 Klopper Avenue Libradene Boksburg.  

This is a development aimed at junior anglers and those anglers who want to refresh their knot tying and general angling skills.  

It is conducted on an informal basis where you are invited to bring your favorite lures and discuss how best to catch that elusive species you have been chasing.

If there is a specific topic that you wish to discuss  please contact Kevin.

Please email Kevin Allardyce on kevin@allardyce.co.za to confirm your place.