2016 Nomads Subs

Nomads Subs For 2016

To all club members,

The 2016 Club Subs are now due.

Please be so kind as to pay your club fees ASAP as we have to pay over your SADSAA and SGDSAA AFFILIATION fees in January 2016.

The fees structure for 2016 is as follows:

Normal membersR625.00R150.00R75.00R850.00
JUNIORS/UNDER 16R175.00  R175.00


On payment via EFT please remember to put your name as reference.

If you pay your affiliation at another club please deduct that portion from your amount due.

If any person requires an invoice please contact me so I can make one out for you.

Banking details:

Standard Bank – Boksburg Branch
Account No.: 422 037 729
Branch Code: 011 842


2015 AGM

Dear fellow Nomads,

As you are aware our AGM is taking place at Kustom Café on the 26th of November and this is your opportunity to participate in your club’s operation or just voice your opinions.

Besides the general report backs and general Q & A’s, the major event of the evening is obviously the election of office bearers. This is also where the backbone of the club is strengthened and the path forward is chosen. At this gathering you have the opportunity to have your say and to actively participate in the decision making that will see the club going in the direction where you yourself would prefer to see it heading and ultimately for the better of the club’s future.

Without a doubt the most difficult, time consuming, yet most important part of any club, is the running thereof and this task falls heavily on the shoulders of our fellow members who display their commitment to their club and their passion for their sport, by unselfishly volunteering to serve on the committee.

Currently the committee is made up as follows:- Continue reading

Call for SADSAA Nominations – Tuna, Gamefish & Bottomfish

Please circulate to your members wanting to nominate for SADSAA colours for:

  • TUNA

These nominations must be in with the Provincial Secretary by the 10th December 2015 with proof of payment to SADSAA.

I am asking for them all early December as most people are away in January till late and you can see SADSAA

Deadline date is early January 2016.


Southern Gauteng Deep Sea Angling Association
Provincial Secretary



Nominations are hereby called for suitably qualified anglers to nominate for 3 persons teams to represent:

  • SADSAA under 19.and
  • SADSAA Masters.

at the following national tournaments. All these tournaments will be fished on 10kg line.

SADSAA Bottom Fish Nationals.

The hosts are Eastern Province and the tournament will be held at Port Elizabeth between the 15th and 19th March 2016.

The entry fee is R 7950 per team and includes all meals etc. but excludes fuel and accommodation.

SADSAA Game Fish Nationals.

The hosts are Natal Province and the tournament will be held at Shelly beach between 24th and 29th April 2016.

The entry fee is R7650 per team and includes all meals etc. but excludes fuel and accommodation.

SADSAA Tuna Nationals.

The hosts are Western Province and the Tournament will be held at Cape Boat & Ski Boat Club at Millers Point between the 9th and 14th May 2016.

The entry fee is R9500 per team and includes all meals etc. but excludes fuel and accommodation.

Nominations must be received by the convenor of selectors Mr Barry Turk by not later than Wednesday 13th January 2016.

R A Pratt
Tournaments Office

2016 Billfish Interprovincial – Richards Bay

SGDSAA nominations to be in with Lynette Adams by 30 November 2015

Attached is an invite to nominate for an Interprovincial heavy tackle billfish tournament to be hosted by Zululand.
Southern Gauteng may enter TWO teams of three members each, plus skipper and own boat.
Please read the rules attached.

When:                                 12 – 15 February 2016
Where:                                Richards Bay Ski-Boat Club
Line Class:                          37kg
Nominations due by:       30 November 2015
To Whom:                          Club Chairman

This is a great opportunity to get experience at provincial level so please do not hesitate to contact myself or Lyn Adams should you have questions re: your eligibility to nominate.
Please remember that nominations must be completed on the official SGDSAA nomination form. Once again, if you are not sure of the procedure please do not hesitate to ask.

Good Luck
Dave Martin

Download the invite from Zululand