2015 Nomads Safety Inspection Day

Please note that the Nomads Safety Inspection day will be held on:

  • Date: 17 October 2015
  • Place: Rynfield dam
  • Time: 07h30 to 14h00

Please make sure that you have all the necessary documents, and that all your safety gear is up to date.

We will get a fire extinguisher company to be there.

The cost of a seaworthy will be increased this year after many years at R250.00

The new cost of a COF will be:

  • R400.00 FOR CLUB MEMBERS and
  • R600.00 for NON CLUB MEMBERS.

If you need safety gear please arrange with Boating and Camping or Commercial Marine. None will be available on the day at the club.

Please note that you must seaworthy your boat before 1st January 2016 to get a COF without a VHF Radio.

So please come to the safety day.


Colin Green
Nomads Safety Officer

2016 Light Tackle Billfish Interprovincial at Hemingways, Kenya

Dear Nomads Members,

With regards to the notice below, are there any members that intend nominating for this tournament?

If so, kindly advise Lyn Adams directly as a matter of urgency at lynadams@mweb.co.za

Thank you

Dave Martin


As approved at the last SADSAA Council the proposed LIGHT TACKLE BILLFISH INTERPROVINCIAL will be held at HEMINGWAYS RESORT. WATUMU KENYA between the 17th and 23rd JANUARY 2016

The resort have quoted USD 2,600 per angler, which is the same as this year for the tournament that was cancelled.

We cannot inform you of the costs of the airfares until they are issued in 2015.


To enable this tournament to proceed Provinces need to commit to how many teams of three anglers will be participate at the AGM in JUNE 2015.

R A Pratt
Tournaments Officer

2015 SADSAA at the Light and Heavy Tackle Billfish Nationals

SADSAA is calling for Nominations for the Light Tackle and Heavy Tackle Teams to fish in November at Sodwana.

Anglers interested in nominating must have their nomination forms in with Lynette by the 10TH JULY LATEST. Please all forms must be sent to your clubs first and then your clubs will forward on to me for the selectors to scrutinize before submitting.

Southern Gauteng Deep Sea Angling Association
Provincial Secretary
011 4252052


Nominations are hereby called for a three person team to represent SADSAA at the Heavy Tackle Billfish Nationals to be held at Sodwana Bay between the 15th and 20th November 2015.

  • The hosts are Mpumalanga DSAA and the line class is 37kg.
  • This is an own boat tournament and therefor teams  have to arrange for their own boat and skipper.
  • The entry fee is R 5 150 per team
  • A SADSAA masters team is also called for this tournament.

Nominations are hereby called for a three person team to represent SADSAA at the Light Tackle Billfish Nationals to be held at Sodwana Bay between the 15th and 20th November 2015.

  • The hosts are Mpumalanga DSAA and the line class is 10kg.( SADSAA provide one 1200m spool of 10kg Ande Yellow line per angler free of charge )
  • This is an own boat tournament and therefor teams have to arrange for their own boat and skipper.
  • The entry fee is R5 150 per team.
  • A SADSAA masters team and under 19 team is also called for this tournament.

Nominations must be received by the convener of selectors Mr Barry Turk by not later than 20th July 2015

R A Pratt
Tournaments Officer