NomadsTide for August 2022
NomadsTide for May 2022
2022 Membership
The link above lists the new fee structure for 2022. As a club we have tried to keep fee increases to a minimum over the years but our affiliation and capitation fees to SGDSAA and SADSAA are increasing annually so we are obliged to increase our annual fees. We ask that all members please pay their subs before the end of January as we need to pay SADSAA and SGDSAA the annual affiliation fee by the end of January. If you are resigning from Nomads, please send a letter to
Note: If you hold dual membership and you pay the provincial and SADSAA affiliation fee at another club, please pay the Nomads club fee only.
Should you require an official invoice please advise us and we will gladly prepare one for you. Please send request to
Please action this now and very importantly, please use your NAME AND STATE SUBS 2022 as the banking reference so that we can allocate the funds to the correct member.
Wishing you everything of the best and tight lines for 2022.
Best regards
Nomads Committee
Bank details.
Please use your name and subs as the reference. E.g. Joe Mackerel-subs 2022
BOKSBURG 01-18-42
AC/NO 422037729